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November 2023

Here and Now Series: Dana Brayton, Lei Liang, Ravel, Kareem Roustom, Arson Fahim, Paul Desenne, Anthony Davis, Betty Olivero, Niloufar Nourbakhsh / Donald Berman

November 5, 2023 at 4:00 pm

Dana Brayton A Little Traveling Music (1993)
Lei Liang My Windows (2007)
1. Tian (Heaven)
2. Seven Rays of the Sun
3. Magma
4. Pausing, Awaiting the Wind to Rise…
Maurice Ravel Une Barque Sur l’océan (1905)
Kareem Roustom Aleppo Songs (2016)
1. How Beautiful the Light of the Rising Sun
2. Antiochian Hymn
3. Oh People Leave Me to My Sorrows
4. The Silenced Guardian
5. Enough! I Intended to Leave You
Arson Fahim Premiere (2023)
Paul Desenne Fiesta en Caraballade (2018)
Anthony Davis Middle Passage (1983)
Betty Olivero Sofim (Endings) (1991)
Niloufar Nourbakhsh You Shall Know the Brilliance of the Dawn(2022) *NY premiere        

Donald Berman, piano

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