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November 2023

Here and Now Series: FIVE COMPOSERS AND A PIANIST / Beata Moon, Stefania de Kenessey, Niloufar Nourbakhsh, Kim D. Sherman, William Hirtz / Donna Weng Friedman with William Hirtz, piano and Diana Solomon-Glover, reciter

November 12, 2023 at 4:00 pm

Beata Moon Prelude
Stefania de Kenessey Microvids: for Solo Piano and Poetry Recitation *World Premiere                                          
Out of place
Skipping stones
Like a rock
Reach for the sky
Standing tall
Got it
On fire
The grand opening
Running on empty
Just joking
Pure joy
Bursting out
Dream away
Hurry up
In a moment
Fooled you
Hiding in plain sight
That’s what you think
Niloufar Nourbakhsh HbeaRt, for piano and electronics
Kim D. Sherman Quiet Poems: Water Circles / A Gesture / Night Sounds
                              Four Moods: Unwinding / Fence / Reflections / Listening to the Moon
William Hirtz The Wizard of Oz Fantasy (for four hands)

 Donna Weng Friedman, piano
  with William Hirtz. piano and Diana Solomon-Glover, reciter

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